The Storm in My Mind by Ayaan Basu : A Review

On the jacket –

“When Aryan Roy stepped into college life to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a successful engineer, little did he know that he was in for a journey of a lifetime, Anushka and Kaira turn his sojourn into a memorable one – in both good and not-so-good senses.”

The Storm in my Mind... is a collective narrative of events, habits, stereotypes and idiosyncrasies revolving around the contemporary society of Kolkata. It is a story of love as much as it is of hatred, passion, friendship, trust, misunderstandings, nostalgia and love for his city. It is the story of Aryan, his Kolkata and his mellowing heart that makes confessions of the times he has seen.

Now, Review Time –

The Storm in My Mind is Ayaan Basu's debut novel published by Srishti Publishers. The story is set in Kolkata. The story is about protagonist Aryan who is in final year of engineering. The Storm in My Mind is a story which talks about Aryan's relationship with two women who come into his life, while he studies and struggles to make his career. Author has done a commendable job with the story. Characters of Kaira and Anushka are portrayed well. Faiyaz, Aryan’s best friend also added some charm to the plot.

The plot is loose at few places. At times it becomes predictable. Author should have worked more on plot. But overall it’s a good read. The book needs some proof reading as few errors can be spotted easily. Author has good story telling skills. I’m impressed with conversation part. I was involved in the plot. The cover is beautiful.

The book is an easy read which can be read in one sitting. Its good read for light readers. I would like to rate this 3.5/5. It worth a read.