You Adored, Me Ignored by Ambalika : A Review

On The Jacket –

Anam wants to be...well...Anam. But as an unmarried and unemployed member of the Acharjya family, that is not something she has the liberty to be. Especially when The Clan - as she refers to them insists on living like ministries of a government and is head over heels in love with Polly, Anam's cousin. Not believing in competing with Polly, Anam busies herself with her newfound work at the film festival. Life seems to have settled, until murder strikes, and fingers are pointed - at - who else but Anam.
Anam finds herself dragged down by the question 'why me?' and in answering it, leaves behind quite a number of broken hearts...and heads. 

Now, Review Time –

When I started reading the book, it didn’t make sense to me but as I progress with few pages, I got the story. It picked up the pace I was looking for. It’s a story of unemployed girl named Anam, who is like most of the girls nowadays. Like we are compared to our cousins/neighbors everyday by our parents, the same way Anam was always compared with her cousin, who had everything perfect in her life. And then starts her real story. And the mess she finds herself in.

Story is loosely knitted at places. I think author should have worked more on that part. The murder mystery part is well written. Book has a good humor but author needs to work more on conversation part. At places, book makes you laugh your lungs out. Story telling skills of author are commendable. Author knew what she was writing. Author has done justice with the climax. It can’t be any better than this. 

 Overall book is good read. A very original short story which will make you think when you will done reading it. I would like to rate it 3.5/5. It worth a read.