The Unrevealed Secrets of Hacking and Cracking: Hack Before You Get Cracked: A Review
Technology has surpassed everyone’s imagination in the last decade or
so. Mobile phones have become smart and the people are trying very hard to keep
up with them and the frequent changes that come along with them. It is the time
when you are 24x7 online and even your essential data is. This has made us
vulnerable to certain threats.

The Unrevealed Secrets of Hacking and Cracking gives you an opportunity
to learn the basis of hacking and what it means to be an ethical hacker and how
they differentiate them from a cracker, and do so without having to suffer a
headache. It is good for the beginners and technologically inept people who
want to understand the nuances but can’t handle the technicality of it.
The book gives you a generalized idea of who an ethical hacker is and
what he does for a government or a private organisation. It also gives you
tools for protecting your network and data. It has a lot of diagrams and
pictures which help you in remembering details and the English used is easy and
Prateek Shukla and his co-author, Navneet Mehra has done a commendable
job in making sure the book is understandable and making the world of hacking
and cracking fun. There are some case studies and examples which make you
relate to the book and learn about the big words of IT without making you cringe.
For all those who are beginners or are interested in the field of
ethical hacking, can read this book and for all those souls who want to protect
their data and network and don’t know how to, can too grab the book and make
your computers less susceptible to cracking and hacking.
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