Romeo, Juliet & Hitler by Rohan Gautam

On The Jacket –

“What happens when a girl meets a boy on a train journey and they eventually fall in love? A new Romeo and Juliet are born. And what happens when their families find out? Enter Hitler. Rohan bumps into Shreya perchance and dreams of spending lifetime with her. Love is in the air - the breeze seems colder, the stars shine brighter, and life seems rosier. But can it last forever? Like all other love stories, this one is also horrifying and hilarious in bits. As Rohan meanders through his feelings, travels across cities, gets thrown behind bars by pot-bellied policemen, and is almost beaten in his own life and career, he still has to face the biggest test of all - facing Shreya's Hitler brother. Will he be able to win him over? Or will Hitler put brakes on their love? Romeo, Juliet &Hitler is a story of young love coming face to face with the grown up world and its notions of right and wrong. Will this set of Romeo and Juliet share the same fate as the originals or will they manage to win over all odds? Let's find out!”

Now, Review Time –

“Romeo, Juliet & Hitler” is all about the protagonist Rohan, who falls in love with Shreya during a train journey and then they both came in relationship. Everything was going perfect until Shreya tells him that she doesn’t love him. What happens next? Did he get his love back? And how Hitler comes into picture?

Every incident in the book is described well in book as per my view. Train journey and how he go to meet her Delhi when she broke up with him was the best part of book. That part is still in my head. Sense of humor of author can be seen clearly throughout the book. When Rohan gets call from Shreya’s dad, that incident is also described well. And many other incidents also made me laugh. Emotions are well described in book. Be it romance, pain, excitement or humor. Book connect well with readers because it is not like any other chic-lit love stories.

For the very first time author, it’s hard to keep command on language and words. But Author did this successfully. He is very good with English and his writing style. I personally didn’t like cover page of book too. 

I will rate this book 4 out of 5. This is worth reading once and some parts of it can be read twice. You are going to enjoy it…