More About the Author, More About The Book: In Conversation With Harpreet Makkar, author of The Justified Sin

Harpreet Makkar is a mechanical engineer and an alumni of Punjab Technical University. He has worked in a top auto mobile MNC in Bangalore. He is currently placed in  Ludhiana and looks after his family business. The Justified Sin is his first novel, published by Author's Empire Publications. 

Hi Harpreet, How are you? The Justified Sin is your debut novel. Tell us what the book is about?

I am great, holding my book in my hands how I could be. As a debut author, taking it this far was quite difficult for me. But all thanks to almighty and everyone who supported me for their love and support. 

This story is about a guy, who got everything required to live a normal life; family, friends, money, luxury, indeed everything yet he misses the happiness, the charm, the excitement one should have with so much around. When he was loved, he refused and when he loved, he got refused. He loved his friends, did everything to keep them happy yet he was betrayed, and his friends did everything to keep him happy and still he betrayed his friends. With so much happening in his life, forced to live with the guilt, he decided to run, far away from everything. Let’s keep the rest of the things undercover, I don’t want to ruin your excitement of reading the book.

You have come in the industry during a time when every second person is writing and some of them are good. Does it put pressure on you?

I agree, but it doesn't affect me much. Indeed there is pressure, pressure to stand up to the expectations of readers, but I won’t compare my writing with anyone as I am not here to win any competition or for any tag. It’s just that I found it relaxing to express myself on paper.  Everyone is special with their writing and we can’t compare one with the other.

Engineers and writing combination is going strong these days. How different are you from them or in what ways are you similar to them?

As I said, we can’t compare two people neither we can compare their writing. Everyone is special in their own way. All I know about my writing is, whatever I write, and it comes directly from my heart. I experience it, I feel it and I write it. That’s the way of my writing.

Apart from being an engineer and a writer, how would you describe yourself?

Apart from writing and my profession, I would say I am good at music, exploring new places, long drives. I always try to keep myself away from overcrowded world, feeling the environment, feeling the peace of the place and then I try to express my thought into words. Playing baseball, racing, and dancing are my part times. I love to meet people, sharing thoughts and experiences over a cup of coffee is the only way of learning for me. I learn and I get motivated by talking to people.

Is the character Jay inspired by you and if not, which character in the book you identify with the most?

Not really, but yes it is character I identify the most. I wrote this story long back, it was something related to a person quite close to me. Being not in a situation to do anything at that time, I made notes and after all these years those rough hand written notes were converted into a fully furnished book.

Last but not the least, what would you say to the aspiring writers and to the people waiting for your book!

It’s always very pleasant to hear the term “Readers”, infact that’s the most important part of this industry. Readers define it all, our work is for them and we are for them. I just wish them to like my work, even if they don’t my effort is what makes me the person I am today. We learn every day, and this process never ends.

And I just wish, people to like my work rather I want them to feel it.