In conversation with Piyush Naik, the author of Oops! I fell in for Don's Daughter

Piyush Naik is an 18-year-old engineering student who authored his first book while he was in school. Inspired by Chetan Bhagat, he has written a romantic comedy.

In conversation with Piyush Naik where he tells us about his book, his journey and how he penned Oops! I fell in for Don's Daughter.

Tell us a little about yourself and your book?

Hello, I’m just like any other teenager. I go to college, hang out with friends, and spend a lot of time doing nothing. (smiles) I’m currently doing engineering from Pune University.
‘Oops! I fell in for Don’s daughter’ has cocktail of emotions, which will take you back to your carefree school days.  It wittily narrates the divine feeling of crush, excitement of love, explores the relation called friendship, with some bizarre coincidences and great misunderstandings. Each and everyone can relate to it in some or the other way.

How the idea of the book came into being? Is it autobiographical or just fiction?

After reading an ‘X’ number of college romance, I was kind of bore with them. I wanted to read a book which would tell love in a different and new way. While thinking about it the idea of Oops came to me, so I decided to pen it down.
Oops is a combination of both, it is inspired from the life of today’s teenagers, including me (smiles) and at the same time it is having a creative influence. Oops for me is standing on the thin line, which separates reality from fiction.

What made you zero on this title for your book?

While I was working on the book, I had 2-3 working titles. But one thing came to my mind that is there should be a title which should reflect my story and thus came this title which synchronizes the content perfectly with all the emotions mainly the humor content.

How different or similar is Piyush Naik from Piyansh Nigam?

(smiles) I would say Piyansh Nigam is a mirror reflection of Piyush Naik.

You are published.  Is there a difference in before you were published and now?

I don’t think there is any difference; I’m still the same person who I was before. I still have to do my college work. I think the only change which has come is that I have learnt to keep more patience.

Tell us about your publishing journey. Was it hard to get published?

It was a learning process for me and I think this journey of mine has just started. My journey has been like a rose, it had some thorns, but in the end its fragrance is spreading everywhere. In this journey I got some more friends.

What is in store for Piyush Naik’s readers?

I’m nearly done with my next book, which is completely different from Oops; it’s an emotional thriller, which will tell the darker side of love in my style.