You're Not My Type by Sudeep Nagarkar - A Review

On The Jacket –

All relationships should come with a precautionary warning: Handle with care. The final audition for Rajhans Colleges prestigious music band brings together three contrasting personalities. Vikrant, a perfectionist, who believes there is only one perfect someone for you. Anamika, a free spirit, who stands up for what she believes is right. Yuvi, a die-hard music lover, who can strum the guitar all night long and still wake up the next morning to drop off his girlfriend. The three become close friends and start hanging out regularly. So how does Aditya, a stranger, become a part of their lives? And what happens next? Sorry, You’re Not My Type is a true story that will redefine friendship, affection and infatuation.

Now, Review Time – 

With every book, I’ve seen Sudeep improving. Author’s way of storytelling is tremendously good. Sudeep Nagarkar has done a good job in portraying all the emotions perfectly once again. Character sketching of Trio – Vikrant, Yuvi and Anamika is fabulous. It can’t be any better than this. And all other supporting characters also play an important role. All the band performances are thrilling and they bring story live in front of your eyes. If these characters were real, you would have fallen in love with them. His novel is very well-researched as its real life story of a Delhi based band. 

The story has fresh concept and it’s well knitted. The story meanders its way through many twists and turns. One keeps guessing what would come next and is pleasantly surprised by the unexpected turn. Climax can’t be any better than this.

Cover page is perfect and eye catching. It goes very well with the back blurb and the story.

Summing Up –

The book is good and it is far away from daily college-romance-love-stories which are in market. This book has something different in store for all the readers as its Sudeep’s best work till date. You will enjoy it. I would like to recommend this book to everyone. 

“Fast moving story with lots of emotions and all the masala in it. An Entertaining read.”