Chapter Eleven by Amit Shankar: A Review

From the day we are born, we are made to be a certain way. We are taught to do what is right and what is wrong. We are shaped the way we are raised. In all this we are told what to do and especially men, to earn money as they are the breadwinners of the family. It is always about the nest thing, when in school, we think about college, when in college we think about job and when we land a job, we think about the next.

In doing so, are we losing a part of ourselves? Is the rat-race making us forget what is important and what is valuable? This was the crux of the novel or so is my opinion. This is the novel which takes about our as people and as human beings morphism into something that should not happen: power-hungry devils. We are supposed to be compassionate, not passionate about making money.

Chapter Eleven tackles a lot of issues like loyalty in friendship, sycophancy in corporate, infidelity in relationships and above all, human nature in today’s time. It is the thought that our morals are degrading and we need to improve before it is too late, a message that needs to be heard and addressed. We should not become brainless slaves in this rat race. Amit Shankar writes this novel with a flair for vivid prose and the characters in the novel.

The best part about Amit Shankar’s novel is that they have strong characters and the main protagonist is never too good or bad. He gives them all shades that are of a normal person and it becomes easier to identify with them. And it is done rightly so, as the whole story revolves around them. The supporting characters sometimes manage to make an impact and sometimes they don’t but overall they can be remembered.

His writing technique and also his use of corporate lingo gives you the feel that it is truly happening. They are certain believability when comes to this novel as opposed to his third novel, Love is Vodka. Amit Shankar gives you gyaan with this novel without being in your face or trying too hard. This is one of those novels which should be read by everyone who is aspiring for a corporate job or just likes good, plain, and entertaining stories.